Surprise your friends with new Tango movements

Virtual Tango Práctica & Class to improve your improvisation skills practicing and learning new sequences every week.


Popular Playlists

All the Pasitos order by key elements in playlists. Some videos could show up in more than one playlist.

🟠 We publish the El Pasito sequences on Wednesdays on YouTube, classes are held the following Sundays.

🟠 In class we see in detail each combination of movements to add them into our improvisation options.

🟠 You and your partner have several days to try and practice the sequence before class, all that time gained allows us to make the most of the class time.

🟠 We invite you to participate in the Online Classes through ZOOM.

dance the structure

El Pasito's Class

Get even more tips to make El Pasito not just an option, be able to Dance it !!